The Future Within
An underground bunker is found in the middle of a paddock. Within is decay, no trace of life and a mystery Rhuannedd and her husband need to uncover. So they assemble their team to discover what happened. Then the military steps in. What could possibly have occurred that would draw the military into their discovery? The only way to find out is to keep digging.
£3.50 -
The Earthenseers
Sam Brayshaw leads a mundane life in a grimy London suburb, with a job that doesn't suit him. As his affinity with nature leads to abilities he never knew he possessed, he gets drawn unwittingly into a power struggle between two ancient and powerful cults. Meanwhile, a dark threat is watching and waiting from a billion light years away, and it will only be satisfied with the total obliteration of all life on Earth.
£3.50 -
The Crystals
‘...Ben shivered and looked with horror at what he saw. Before his eyes, the water in the lake slowly receded and an icy wind whistled through the window… He could not believe what was happening—everything was disappearing. The lake was a dry hollow, the meadows had become barren and the trees stood before him stripped of their leaves and bark. The sky darkened and then everything turned white and he could see a figure standing alone on the frosted ground…’
Ben, a young adult, aware of his strange origins and power, finds himself at the epicentre of a terrible cataclysmic fight for Earth’s survival as we know it. He must advance his powers to save the world and develop his human compassion to win over the most reluctant of allies.
£3.50 -
Something strange has again landed on Topside of the Planet Smar. The Great Council has hurriedly put a small team of “volunteers” together to seek out what it is and discover what it’s doing. Sergeant Ha’an, the reluctant leader and soul survivor of a previous expedition to encounter an object from the sky, leads his equally reluctant band of misfits on their perilous journey across Topside. On the way, they meet up with Nerak, a fearless explorer and scientist, and she joins them on their quest. They meet up with Tega, an old scout, who leads them to the landing site and their epic encounter with the strange machines and what lies within them. They battle with their own personal demons whilst forming a lasting friendship. Meanwhile, in the city of Below, an unscrupulous journalist tries her best to get her story no matter who gets hurt in the process whilst the equally unethical Information Bureau does its best to stop her. What does the Great Council really know about the objects from the sky, the ancient civilisation and where the answers are to be found?
£3.50 -
Rorkk’s Captive
Rorkk is a Rotari Admiral who has defended his planet against Krylan invasion for most of his adult life. Shattered by his former fiancé’s betrayal and tired of defending a planet under siege, his spirit is almost broken until intelligence is received that the Krylans are targeting an Earth woman for her unique genome to enhance their Nzumbe troops.
Seizing the opportunity to thwart the Krylans and obtain important intelligence information, Rorkk embarks on a risky mission to ensure the Earthling does not fall into the wrong hands.
Instead of finding her dream job on Aero Space Nine with the Galactic Trading Academy, Aurora discovers her role as Chief Engineer, Spacecraft Maintenance embroils living and working on a rust bucket plagued by mechanical problems, ageing maintenance droids and a crew of oddball geeks just out of school.
After surviving a micro meteor storm which compromises the space station’s hull and the environmental systems bringing the crew to the brink of disaster, Aurora visits Robodome, an off-world pleasure centre to unwind.
Aurora’s life changes overnight when she visits the centre and is kidnapped. One minute she’s about to enjoy the delights of her assigned pleasure bot, the next, she finds herself locked in a cabin on an alien spacecraft.
With a journey that threatens everything they believed about themselves and enemies at every turn, Rorkk and Aurora must join forces to defeat the enemy. Can they learn to trust each other, their growing attraction and stop the Krylans in their tracks?
£3.50 -
In our world of increasing cyber-attack, threatened nuclear war and climate change, mankind seems locked into ancient hard-wired tribal patterns of suspicion and aggression.
Popularist nationalism, fuelled by fake news via social media and vested mega-industry interests, is an overwhelming scientific reality. The evolutionary jump 200,000 years ago, which enabled an insignificant ape in Africa to develop the critical social skills to dominate the planet, is now threatening its existence. Homo sapiens sapiens needs another evolutionary jump – but will it come in time?
In a laboratory in Cambridge University, a distinguished neurologist is close to developing a revolutionary brain stem cell therapy which may restore lost functions. Unexpectedly, he is forced to use it secretly when a close friend and colleague develops rapidly progressive dementia. The results are far, far more than ever dreamed of. Could this be the beginning of a new era of hope for humanity, and can it survive the hostile agents committed to eliminate it?
£3.50 -
Read The Small Print
If you are wondering what happens after you die, or think there is life after death, or think we are here by accident, then think again!
We are only at the beginning of a long journey. If you think we are special or here by accident, we are not.
Thank GOD there is life outside our solar system.
This is the story of Capella Smith… after she dies. On earth, she was a politician, but now she can be whatever she wants to be – as long as she reads the small print!£3.50 -
Pilgrim's Ark
“It was flared out as if it were a cosmic parachute.
In this firmament, where Earth was just another pinprick, an object chilled with veins of superfluid and superconductive memories traversed the final remnants of the Oort cloud.”When software specialist Mike Brazier from SETI detects the arrival of an enigmatic visitor, it triggers an evolutionary chain of events. But, with humanity on the cusp of becoming a hive mind, their linked futures need a guiding hand.
As agitators exploit tensions between the augmented and the disillusioned, the path to survival must unfold covertly or awaken revolt. Can it be navigated without the help of Earth’s emergent conscious AI?
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Parvon Zin Koban Hunter
Thought you knew about history? Think again. The dinosaurs were not killed off by an asteroid strike, the Koban in their thousands did that. They are still here, and have been throughout history, killing and eating millions.
But now there is only one shapeshifting Koban hunter left, and only he and his acid-tongued AI stand in the way of the Koban turning humans into nothing more than cattle.
Alterative history with a science fiction twist.
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Our Man On Mars
Will they end up killing one another? That’s what concerns the authorities as much as the scientific and technical hurdles of sending folk to Mars. So they address the human issues, as they would in an army, by appointing a chaplain.
The Church of Scotland considers this post just right for Steve McKay, one of their more wayward recruits. Steve finds he is off to a parish more remote and barren than he had ever imagined. However, he discovers that the remoteness creates a heightened awareness of the meaning of life and they share some Earth-shattering revelations.
Deep thinker he may be, but Steve is no saint. He muddles through offering his brand of care and support, both in the chaplaincy and increasingly in the Mars Bar. A misdemeanour on his part finally leads to Life on Mars in a way unforeseen by the authorities.
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Our Future Selves
Imagine waking up inside someone else’s body, and in a different century. What would you do? How would the new world around you react to you? This is what happens all the time to Zak Emblin, an editor from 21st century Birmingham, UK, and Sarah Templeman, a prison service doctor from twenty second century New Palm Springs, USA, who are ‘reincarnaters’, connected across time by a shared soul.
Imagine you are a bright, young scientist, Carmen Fry, who stumbles across the truth behind reincarnation. All you need is a subject to prove your theory to the world, but you can’t find one. Until one day, when you are chatting online, you find Zak, and are immediately attracted to him.
This is the story of three people, caught in a love triangle, sharing a secret that no-one else will believe, that when we die we form a connection with a future self, who shares our reincarnated soul. A connection so strong that sometimes we can become that future person and they can become us. We can swap bodies across time.
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No Time for Second Thoughts
A geneticist working at the forefront of genetic cloning is confronted by the desperation of a woman to have her husband’s child before his premature death. After failing every available fertility treatment, Droshky and Janson initiate the cloning of Rex to implant a genetically cloned foetus in Alexis’ uterus. Zev, and Malcolm, friends of Janson, together hatch an idea to create a colony where women can incubate cloned babies. Alexis’ baby is born, and many join the colony at Woomera under the trio’s control, their fates inextricably linked to the cloning of genetically superior people.
The words of Nostradamus and others act as a fated guide. A fast-paced story designed to make the reader think about human development and the inevitable nature of life. By weaving ancient morality with modern day technological themes together form a story that questions the boundaries of science. A psychological narrative based on potentially devastating ramifications of human genetic cloning.